Imagine it like a beefed up version of other monster battled cartoons and you've got Monsuno! It airs tonight on NickToons at 8pm ET and every following Thursday at 8:30pm ET.
After visiting the NickToons Monsuno webpage I pulled together some info about the show for you. It really has something for everyone in the family. Even the YuckMouth daddy is interested in watching it!
About “Monsuno”Millions of years ago, “Monsuno,” a living DNA, hitched a ride to Earth in a concentrated asteroid pocket. When it landed on Earth, the impact drove the dinosaurs into extinction. The “Monsuno” DNA lay dormant until a scientist named Jeredy Suno activated it, sending a rippling wave of movement back into action. By doing so, Jeredy may have reignited the end of the world but he also created its salvation, the “Monsuno” monsters. Now, it’s up to his son Chase to learn the secrets of “Monsuno” and help save the world from impending destruction. ). In the 52-episode series, the fate of the world lies in the hands of a group of
heroic kids who wrestle with the power to command and battle creatures called “Monsuno.”
Information found on
I will definitely be following up to let you all know how the YuckMouth kids liked the show!!
Hope you all can tune in tonight!

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