My laundry mat opens up at 6:30 am, so when my alarm goes
off at 6 am I’m up and getting my stuff together to go do wash. I arrive at the
laundry mat at 6:30 when they open the doors. I talk with the owner and his
wife, since I've been a regular at this establishment for a year now. One great
thing about being there so early is the place is empty so I get first pick of
what washers I want to use. Another great thing is all my loads are done around
the same time. As the morning gets later people start to trickle in. When my
wash is done I start putting my clothes in the dryers, typical Sunday morning.
This lady walks up to me.
LADY: Why are you just using the top dryers and not the
bottom ones?
I look at her in puzzlement.
ME: Does it matter?
LADY: Yes it does matter. Hasn't anyone ever taught you
Laundry Etiquette?
It’s way too early in the morning for someone to act like
this, but me being the writer that I am, I listen. Never knew there was such a
thing called Laundry Etiquette.
LADY: From your silence I take that as a no. Well Laundry
Etiquette is being considerate to the other customers here. Since you took all
the top dryers, we have to use the bottom dryers.
ME: This is a problem why?
LADY: Your not suppose to do that! This is what you do; you
put your clothes on the top then go directly to the bottom. Top bottom, top
bottom! Not top, top, top.
ME: Wow so much anger this early in the morning, looks like
someone here didn't get laid last night.
The lady stays quiet.
ME: From you silence I’ll take that as a no.