Gina St. Aubin is a wife and mother of 3, one diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, PDD-NOS/Autism, Landau-Kleffner Syndrome (a rare epileptic disorder causing verbal aphasia), Sensory Processing Disorder and Developmental Delays. A former Victim's Advocate turned advocate for those with intellectual and physical challenges, Gina believes being a 'Special Parent' means to Discover, Embrace, Educate, Advocate, Encourage, Treasure and Laugh. Read more on her blog, Special Happens.
Though I begged and pleaded and showered Lisa with gifts only to secure one tiny moment to entertain her readers with...something….when the laptop opened up this time, I was at a loss. Not wanting to disappoint, nor turn out the serious or heart achingly inspirational crap pieces I find myself typing as of late, I was at a loss to find something humorous from life’s recent events that would make any sort of good writing for anyone. Thank GAWD for email!
“FUCK!” Silently saying this is very, very hard! My head slings back as I’m surrounded by my kiddos, post-dinner, taking a moment to get some work done while Buzz Lightyear played on. My mind raced. C was doing laundry (oh yea, he does laundry), and no other words found their way to my mind.
Are you freaki’n kidding me!?!?! Really? Another teacher is leaving!?!?!? THE teacher is leaving. THE teacher that took me 2 years to get over her brashness to see the affections she has for our kiddos? THE teacher who has found a happy medium with what may seem as overbearing parents in comparison to those who never attended IEP meetings, much less had any questions, concerns or interest in participating in their child’s school day - her experiences of the past. We were working together. She “gets” J, understands the intricacies of his rare disorders coupled with the more widely known known ones. And this night she sends this email:
“Dear Parents,
It is with mixed emotions that I send this email. I have accepted another position in (the) County. This was not an easy decision to make because of the relationships that were built with your child and family. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you. I will miss my students very much! (The administrators) are working toward hiring a new SSN Teacher. “
That’s the WHOLE of the email!!!
Now, I’m thinking this isn’t unusual. Burnout. New challenges, staying fresh and all. But seriously, J has gotten attached to and lost 3 para’s already. 3 in 3 years. All during his 2nd year. Para’s he works one-on-one with. Paras that have figured out the best of him and accepted the worst. His current Para is staying, she says through next year at least...if she were leaving, there would be a lot more cursing! But...
Quite frankly, I’m fucking tired of the changes. I’m tired of putting our kiddos who don’t handle change, transition, new routines well through the constant change of the same shit they can’t handle. I don’t know what the solution is. Until someone so much smarter than I figures that out, I guess we get to keep breaking my kid’s heart.

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