Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lets Help Harrison! Guest Post By Natalie D.

I have had the honor or meeting some really strong and awesome moms recently! One of them happens to be Natalie D! Here is her story and lets help Harrison!!!

My son Harrison is 5 years old. He has a global developemnet disorder including speech of a 3 year old. After his sisters birth I suffered from blood clots from a c-section i had with my daughter and 4 strokes 3 being TIA's and one big one i can not go back to work . My husbands job just got days cut , so now we are looking at less money for our family .

He needs to see a pediatric specialist for a more formal diagnoses so we can access services which we are currently not eligible for. He also obviously because of his speech delay needs to see a speech therepist. We have used up the speech therepist services the government does provide but he needs more. He is on the waiting list for early intervention and we have been told he will not be getting services until feb 2013. Harrison needs help now. Please help us see Dr Jarman and provide a few sessions with a wonderful speechie we have found for him until Dr Jarmans appointment.

UPDATE! : Harrison has an Appointment made with Dr Jarman on August 9th , The cost of the inital first consult is 350.00 

we would personally like to thank everyone who has helped our son so far , we are very humbled by your support.

If you can donate please follow this link....  Help Harrison

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