The internet has been a interesting place to be lately...I truly think that is an understatement. You see I don't get out of the house much. I go places...pick up the kids from school, walk to the corner store, walk to the grocery store maybe take a trip to Target. What I mean when I say "I don't get out much" is that I have no life, my friends are on the internet, my support groups are online, my support system is online. There are people that I have never met in real life that I would truly lay my life and my word on the line for....they know who they are. Because some of me also have no life. I wouldn't expect anyone to feel sorry for me, I don't feel sorry for me.
I have come to the realization that this is just the way life is. But when this life is tampered with, when my friends are harassed or one of my support systems is yanked out from underneath me it sort of skews the world just a tiny bit.
As you all know recently I've been the target of an online bully. I think most of you have read it but if not you can find it here. Its had a lot of hits, but here's the thing, I worry that while I post the truth about one place who else is having their support system ripped out from under them? Who is still not open to the truth and bring people into a place where they can and will be taken advantage of?
So here is what I want to do. I'm opening myself up for support, offering to tell people where they can find support else where. Want to know about apps? Well so do I and I know where I can tell you about them. What to talk about your kids and issues at home? I know places with like minded people where it isn't about donating your last dime, where it isn't about having to stay silent about those nagging questions.
After the last month I have had I've thought about the changes I want to make to this blog. About where I see the YuckMouths going. So here it is readers, lurkers, parents....I open myself up to you. This blog has always been about giving myself a place to be myself. To talk about what stresses me, to talk about what my kids are doing or aren't doing. But now I give the rest of you the chance to do the same.
In the next few days I will be opening a email directly for this blog. It can be for your questions, or maybe you want to guest blog.
Because at the end of the day we have all fought the bullies. We fight them at the school districts, in early intervention, at home, with family, in support groups, online and in public places. I vow to give a place for parents to say I'M FED UP, NOW WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT IT?
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