Tuesday, September 13, 2011

#TechTues ~~~ ClickN KIDS Review

During my journey at BlogHer 11 I had the chance to speak to a rep from ClickN KIDS. It sparked a interest for me because I have younger children who will be learning to read soon. I loved that they were partnering their program with Looney Tunes to make Looney Toons ClickN READ Phonics are they are a huge hit in our house.

I was lucky enough to be able to get the program and use it with Racer. You can read more about their phonics program here!

I have to say I'm not very tech savvy, or as savvy as I should be with 7 kids. But going through the enrollment process to start the phonics reading program was really simple. I was able to have 8 open slots for the kids but since Wolverine and MommaHen are already reading I did two, one with Racer and the other with PigPen.

After reading through the skills directions we got into it.  Racer started off at level 10, he speed through it pretty easily but 11 was a bit harder for him so we decided to not skip any levels. I have to say that the 20 min or so lessons held his attention the entire time. Being a special needs child the task of attention and staying focused can be difficult  but the Looney Tunes ClickN READ phonics program worked for him.

The lessons that we have done were listening ones and simple mouse clicks to answer questions. You can change the pace of the questions and completely customize it for your child's ability. They even sell on their website child sized mouse and keyboard to work with the program.

Since Racer never does anything without his sisters they sat with him and said the sounds out loud as well.

I thought I was going to struggle to get Racer do to this program but he was entertained and engaged in what he was seeing and learning. Reading and word recognition aren't his strong suit so this program was perfect for him. We've been running levels with him for the last 3 weekends since school started, I've noticed he's sounding out words more. I can honestly say that I would recommend this to other parents with both special needs children and normal developing children. It was a great program that all three of my younger children enjoyed including the 1yr old. It was cute hearing her try and say the sounds with her siblings or cheering Racer on as he worked through the level. There are free sample lessons on the home page for you to try out with your child as well. 

I will revisit this review in about a month to update everyone how his progress is going!

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