Thursday, January 27, 2011

FU school District and oh thanks for services!

After finally getting the required services for Racer at his IEP yesterday I'm on cloud nine!!!! And to think it only too a fucking year for them to do it   WAY TO GO SCHOOL DISTRICT!!! There is one thing I will never ever understand about school districts.....ONE they either go wayyyy out of their way to support their students or TWO they don't give a flying shit about their students. I think in some districts they are just numbers, money making seat fillers. And that in my book is fucked up, NEVER EVER should a child be a money making seat filler. But it happens time and time again. So many of my other moms out there are still struggling to get services for their child or children. And I have to wonder what the fuck? Why is this a problem? Why do we have IDEA and FAPE? if they don't actually want to use it? Why are schools risking lawsuits that would cost them far more then actually giving the child the services they really need? Answer ONE to that is parents! Not enough of us know the ins and outs of all the laws that are always changing. Answer TWO is once again DING DING DING you guessed it, the school districts! You know that handy lil packet of paper they give you that address your rights and rules? Ever notice that they hand it to you RIGHT BEFORE the IEP meeting? Why don't they hand it to us when we request testing? How come they don't hand that out to parents who register their kids for school? I suppose we could stop the entire IEP process and sit and read it, but I don't think that is entirely the point here.

And even though I got services for Racer I'm fucking pissed that it took this damn long to get them! And will next year be another battle? The year after that? If I feel he isn't meeting his goals and they do? I have one thing to say and I'm going to say it loud and proud and I'm going to keep saying it till everyone gets it. IF YOU ARE WORKING WITH MY SON....AND HIS BEST INTERESTS ARE WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SERVE THEN LISTEN TO ME! Don't ignore me school district, school staff and teacher. I know my child better then you ever will!

Oh and PS the next time some one wants to accuse my parenting skills, last time I checked I was only having problems with ONE child not seven of them.