Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 3 of gifting

Ok I realize that I'm seriously behind in these blog posts. I've had a bit of self pity lately and not really wanting to sit on the computer and blog. So I'm going to catch up or at least try in these next few days. I have a new personal mission after attending a Autism workshop....which I'm going to blog about as well.

So day three went pretty much like day two. Racer has actually been pleasant to be around and I know how that sounds really harsh and uncaring but when I've forced him to go to school he takes on this angry meltdown sort of attitude. I feel like when he's at school he knows how to behave because he's been "trained" in how to act. Then I wonder if his teacher even knows what she's looking for to see if he's stressed. ANYWAYS lol

Racers really taken to the new time frame I have set up for him in the morning. I put his clothes out and he eats his breakfast. After breakfast he gets dressed, with the door closed....lately he doesn't want anyone looking at him get dressed. Though most of the time I find him jumping on his bed and I have to remind him again and again to get dressed. And then we are off on our walk, which I really really love. I'm glad I can find these times with him to talk even if it is just with me and even if it is the same conversation over and over again. I try and throw him by answering him differently but he catches me and makes me answer him again lol.

He's remembering what his gifts mean to him and the days of the week accordingly, realizing that he has so many days to go before he hits Saturday and that is progress. He's happy when I leave him at the gate I even get a mumbled "I love you too" from him even if I do have to prompt it. I didn't even get that before so I'm grateful for the mood change.

Today when he got home he picked his third puzzle of the ocean scenes. Which he immediately opened and set to work on, if there is one thing he is good at right now its puzzles.

As a side note I will be posting the slightly different behavior that has come about with him going to school everyday, after I get thru the last two days of gifting

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